Little Makers Music Jam
July 9, 2015
Little Makers Music Jam on the 400 Block! Exploring sound was the theme of the day on this jammin' Marketplace Thursday. From booming tom toms to the gentle glide of rain sticks, the community gathered to make music on a beautiful, sunny day. The children and their care givers also made shakers, maracas, and jingling tambourines to play along with the children's musical group, the Graham Crackers.
July 9, 2015
Little Makers Music Jam on the 400 Block! Exploring sound was the theme of the day on this jammin' Marketplace Thursday. From booming tom toms to the gentle glide of rain sticks, the community gathered to make music on a beautiful, sunny day. The children and their care givers also made shakers, maracas, and jingling tambourines to play along with the children's musical group, the Graham Crackers.